Life- Such a strange illusion

Life is nothing but a illusion controlled by your thoughts. Change your thoughts and the world around you shall also change .

-The Inspirer (I think so 😀)

Understand this article very carefully, cause it just might change your whole perspective of life. Well, first you should know that we are nothing but a bunch of strings, insignificant in such a vast universe. When you pluck the strings of a guitar in two different ways, it produces two different sounds. Similarly, when you have 2 different thoughts, you have two different ways of looking at life or in short ,two different perspectives. A person with a pessimistic mindset might look at his life as unfair, cruel, rude, biased, etc. While, a person with a gratitude mindset , might be thankful , happy , and lucky for his life. So, what I am trying to say that your thoughts control you, and if you learn to control your thoughts, you get to take control of your own life.

Life is just a split second interval between the never ending cycle of birth and death.

Life, a split second interval between birth and death, is so insignificant, yet so significant . Everything you know, everything you have, everything you want to be can be taken away from you , just like that, without a warning. That’s why life is so insignificant in the never ending cycle of birth and death, yet so significant, cause in such a short period of time, you have to do what you were born to do, to change the world in many ways, to do something right for the greater good of the society. Life is what gives the soul its meaning .So, live life, appreciate it and do everything you ever want to do and become in this lifetime, cause the next time when you are born, who knows what obstacles or luxuries you might face in your life. The skill you are given in this lifetime, might be taken away from you in the next. Who knows ? So basically, One lifetime, make it worth it.

So, to sum this up for the people that didn’t understand this post, here it is : ” be a legend”

Source and credits: Ajaya part 2- The rise of Kali by Anand Neelakantan, and my father 😀.

We will be adding show-biz and Interesting short stories !

We have expanded our team to four people, and now we are also adding some show-biz and thrilling short stories for you !

Bye for now !

Ancient Aliens

The clock’s needle was pointing on 11, I was feeling sleepy but the moment I fell asleep I woke up as a character in Egypt. It was around 28 AD and suddenly just at the next minute I had this vision in which I got to know all my strengths and discovered the village I was in was cursed by Pharaohs (kings who used to rule Egypt). After that I started to wander in the city but every citizen I saw was freaked out by just looking at me, but I wasn’t scared cause I was a warrior and I could easily defend myself. Suddenly someone grabbed my shoulder. My first instinct was to rip him apart but when I turned around I saw some random old and weak man who told me the Pharaohs worshiped aliens and those aliens were alive cause there is a ball in which you can see every component of time and space and told me that ‘A sacrifice for the nation should happen for a living’. I really got stunned and thought that this old man must have got this catchy line from some old play but I had to believe him. The very next morning I went straight for the pharaohs, but before finishing them I decided to gather some information ,and to my surprise i got to know that only a sword which sliced through the center can destroy that creepy ball. I tried it several times , but those damn aliens had such a different level of technology ,that they would kick me out of nowhere, but soon an army of warriors rose up with me. Many had to sacrifice themselves for me , but then saw that the creepy ball was onboard a weird looking aeroplane. I ran towards the plane as fast I my legs could carry me. I got onboard the weird plane, kicked the alien out of the cockpit and somehow managed to fly it like a charm, but I still couldn’t stop the aliens and did not want to see my army die. Right after that a sudden boost of courage went through me and sliced that ball in half , knowing it was a damn explosive. I died taking the the whole army of aliens with me. The next moment, I woke up and proved the old man wrong because ‘A sacrifice for the nation is a sacrifice for the people’.

Lalit Shyam

How to adopt and cultivate a Abundance mindset ?

Before starting this article, sorry I haven’t posted anything in a while and from now, I will posting once or twice every week (hopefully!) . So lets get started !

First all an abundance mindset shows you that there is a lot of achievements and success to go around, and if there isn’t enough , you can always create more later on for yourself and others. If you sometimes feel dominated by other’s success and do not actually feel happy for them, it is highly likely that you have a scarcity mindset. It is completely contrary to the abundance mindset , meaning you believe that there isn’t enough success to go around. When looking at the realistic side of life , the scarcity mindset is mostly right, but it can harm you when that’s not the case. So, let’s get right into it:

Be proactive

One of the best qualities of such people is being proactive. Whenever you start something new, expect challenges and obstacles, and before that obstacle comes you should already know how to face them and respond to them. By doing this, you can calmly face the challenge , instead of spiraling out and going crazy ! You can’t control everything that’s going around you, but you sure can choose how to respond to them and make decisions accordingly. Just remember the difference between reacting and responding.

The Beginning of the solution should be the end.

Whenever, you think of a solution, remember this weird rule , start with the end in mind. For two minutes, close your eyes, and think ,”If my solution works , what change will be brought by it ? Will everyone be benefited? Will some groups be disappointed with the result ? And if so what will I do to fix that ?” So basically, the idea is to visualize the future in your head, and then start.

Win-Win !!!

First of all this does not mean, “Everyone is a champion , everyone is a winner ” and all that stuff. It basically means creating one solution for 100 problems. It also means your solution should not be targeted for the good of one group , but for the larger good of the society. Your creative part of the brain comes in use here.

Motivation and Gratitude

The Last step towards cultivating an abundance mindset is learning to motivate yourself at all times in your life, and don’t let lack of it drive you into a downwards spiral. The next thing is to be grateful for everything in your life. If a negative thought is a drowning you, the best way to recover is to fight it with gratitude. Cause’ everything that goes around you is just an illusion made by your thoughts . If you change your thoughts , the world around you will also change.

That’s all for this article, bye for now !!!

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