Balancing the three foundations of nature in every person

Every person is born with the three foundations of nature in them:- satva, rajo and tamo ,being the power of knowledge, bravery and passion respectively. Although we are born with the same foundations, everyone has their unique nature because of how we balance these three in our life. Every person has a strong point and weak point in their personality. This is again due to the difference in balance of these three foundations. Like, lets say for example, a man is blessed with knowledge and fearlessness , but he is not passionate about anything or anyone and thus does not have any desires or is not attached towards anything. Or lets take another instance of man who is valorous and passionate, but he simply lacks knowledge and is not capable of making decisions at all. Well by now you must have understood the three foundations of nature.

Now, here comes the important thing , is having the quality of tamo, root of all evil or the root of all humanity ? Below given are two arguments about tamo, you judge for yourself, which is right and which is wrong . (Note-These arguments have been taken from the Mahabharata)

“By desiring an object, attachment is born. From attachment, wrath is born. From wrath, comes want of discrimination. From want of discrimination arises ruination of intelligence. From loss of intelligence springs loss of Understanding , and finally the man is ruined.”

Shri Krishna

From desire, life is born. From attachment, love. From passion, beauty. From compassion, humanity. Desire is the very foundation of nature.

Shri Balarama

Everyone is tossed around by a million thoughts, but men with desire and passion, know how to utilize their thoughts. Such people follow the sounds of their heart. They know what’s right for them and for the greater good of the society. They know what is love, passion, beauty and most importantly humanity. Their thoughts do not control them, they control their thoughts.

To summarize this all, remember this ,” Learn to balance your thoughts.”

That’s all for this article. Bye !

Sources :Rise of Kali – Duryodhana’s Mahabharata

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