Mystery of Leona’s Death (Part-1)

This is an thrilling crime story, so unpredictable , it will guaranteed keep you grasped to it. Anyways this is the first post by Twisha Kappadia, one of the authors at The Inspirer. Hope you like it !

“H-h-hello I’m Martha” (shrugs)
“Yes dear, everything okay?”
“Lee-e committed suicide”
“Our dear little daughter never knew what was going on in her
head but whatever it was, she has not committed suicide and I
stand by that. As a mother these feelings are unfeasible to
explain in words. Now her friend, roommate, sister, whatever
you may call her will like to speak about the loss of her beloved
Martha was sitting on a chair at the funeral starring at the
ground not a single tear in her eye and she was so deep into
her thoughts that she didn’t even know her name was called.
Mrs. Clark walked over to her and placed her hand on her
shoulders she shrugged and stood up then, walked over to the
podium and unlike others who gave a eulogy, she leaned close
and shouted, “She didn’t kill herself! No, my Lee can’t do this”
and then broke into tears.

Martha was taken to her room. Her behavior remained
extremely unusual for a week forcing Mrs. Clark to call a
psychiatrist. It was as if she was completely broken by Leona’s
death. Martha and Leona lived in their apartment in Boston
since 6 months. Martha was an orphan and she used to call
Mrs. Clark ‘mom’. They both were both soul sisters and shared
everything with each other.
Even though beside Leona’s dead body a big GOODBYE note
printed on paper was found tied around with their friendship
charm, she believed that her Lee hadn’t committed suicide.
Martha and Leona had these special friendship charms, Martha
had a black one with a pink bead on the center and Leona had a
pink one with a black bead in the center signifying they were a
part of each other. But, the black bead in the center of Leona’s
charm was missing. Martha was sure that the murderer had to
do something with the missing bead. Till that time Mrs. Clark
had hired officials to scrutinize the whole scenario as, she was
the one who firmly believed that Leona hadn’t actually
committed suicide.
The next day Martha went to Leona’s room only if she could
find a trace to this mystifying demise of Lee. While rummaging
through her stuff she found a note and it said, “I thought I could
deal with it alone, the horrors of my past had started creeping
along.” The note was printed on paper, Martha found it eerie that all the notes were printed and none handwritten. She
suddenly had flashbacks when Leona came back from work that
night it was their ritual to rant about their whole day when they
came home from work. But that day, on that particular day, she
just went straight to her room and went to sleep. Martha didn’t
bother her as she thought that she might be exhausted from
the day’s work. And the other day she was found dead in her

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