10000 years- Evolving towards hell?

Before starting , it will be a miracle if humans can even survive the next 10000 years, and if such a miracle happens , this article will briefly explain to you that what CAN happen to Humans in 10000 years. Remember, this is just one of the many theories , regarding what will happen to us in 10000 years. First, lets start with the fact that there is a chance that by 23rd century or 24th Century, technology will have advanced so much that humans will have found a way to live forever. So, now, lets see, what will probably happen to the human body in 10000 years.

What will the humans look like ?

Starting of with the legs, one of the things that could happen is that, are legs will evolve to become chubbier and our bones will be much weaker than before. This will be due to an improper diet, inadequate exercise, and of course why will there be the need to walk, when the things you want can literally be delivered at your doorstep . Moving on, weirdly enough, our appendix will again evolve into a small curled up tail. Next comes our upper body. In the coming ten thousand years, humans will have used the upper body so much, that the upper body will remain fit and strong. Due to increased usage of our upper body, our arms will evolve to be longer than before. Also our palm will be much bigger, and our thumb, index finger and middle finger will be very long. You must be wondering what will happen to the ring finger and the little pinkie finger. Well lets just say both those fingers will either devolve or stay the same size. This is because, well lets accept the fact that they both have very limited functions. Moving up, the human eyes will be larger, and thus will appear as if bulging out of the eye sockets. This will happen due to increased screen usage and dependence on technology. Finally, our heads will be a bit larger and will look more protruding than before.

Will mother nature take over us ?

The odds of it happening are less than 1%, but this theory is more interesting than any other. First of all, many people don’t know this but everything around you is conscious. Even a tubelight is aware of what’s going around it .So basically, this theory states that (brace yourselves , this is gonna sound crazy), the oceans and the jungles might have been aware of what’s going around them for decades, and when the time is right, they are gonna pay us back for our deeds, and believe me that won’t be good. It can be so that oceans return back the waste in them , we have been disposing for the years. Or it might happen that trees just stop producing O2 . Who knows? At first this will surely sound like a bit of stretch to you , but if you read this article properly, it will start making sense. Have you ever heard stories about people in Coma , who although are unresponsive , but are truly aware of what’s going around them. The reason why people exit coma is not only because of doctors and medicines, its also because they are aware . They are grateful for their friends and family who supported them along the way. Its because they want to come back to life. Now, think of it this way, humans are the friends and the family here, mother nature is in the coma, and it is our job to get mother nature out of the coma. But instead , we are just arrogantly harming her without thinking of the side effects. Now tell me why would mother nature want to come out of coma, and if it does, tell me why would she help us. Tell me why.

That’s all for this article, hope you enjoyed it 😉

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