Learn , Learn and Learn from everything in the world

Every damn thing in this world has something to teach us, it may be directly or it maybe indirectly. Ever heard of that quote “Good things give you happiness , Bad things give you lessons and the best things give you memories”. Well screw that, according to me , good things teach you how to do something, bad things teach you how not to do something, and best things …. Well there is nothing like best things in this world. The main thing is to learn from every thing in this entire world . From ants to mammoths , from the dumbest to the smartest , from the champions to the losers, from the richest to the poorest , everyone and everything teaches you something or the else. Think of the world as your teacher. Think about the virtues, ethics, lessons it teaches you. Think about how you can have the entire world at your service as your teacher , whenever you want (and besides its free 😉).

Learn from the dumbest of the dumbest, cause everyone has a point , and everyone can teach you something they are good , and even if they are wrong they are indirectly teaching you something or the else . Remember , you goal should to be learn, whenever you are provided with the opportunity. Also keep in mind that, learning simply does not mean accepting anything someone says. It’s not that. Whenever you learn something new, argue with yourself, “why is it so, and how come?”For example, if someone comes up to you and says,”Ozone Layers are depleting .”Now keep that in mind, and ask yourself, “why?” . “Is it because of increased carbon emissions”, “Is it due to the ever increasing human population?”, “Or are both of those major causes?” See, it isn’t that hard. Always remember this word,”Kaizen” (Its not the name of a Sushi).It simply means continuous learning and improvement in whatever you do , no matter how large or how small. Just remember to Learn, Learn and Learn.

The little things life teaches you along the way, deeply effects the way you live your life. The lessons of teamwork learnt from the ant, or the wisdom imparted to you by parents, who knows how these things might come in handy , and it might just end up changing your future . Anyways, remember to utilize this blessing called Learning .

That’s all for this article, bye !!!

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